Thursday, April 9, 2015

Art Classroom and Technology

Advantages of Integrating Technology

There are a significant amount of advantages to allowing and integrating technology into an art classroom. Technology, “has provided tools, materials, and processes that aided artists creative expression” (Roblyer & Doering, 2013). For instance having access to computers and the internet for research is invaluable to have easily and quickly, instead of having to plan a library research day. They can research projects or artists’ work instantly. Technology has also made the documentation and sharing of artists’ work so much easier. “Artists’ books can be created and printed using desktop publishing and color inkjet printers,” (Roblyer & Doering, 2013). Technology I believe is to be viewed as another tool in an artists’ toolbox. It’s like Tracy Hare says, “An art classroom can be an enhanced atmosphere of deepened critical thinking, authentic collaboration and communication, intense creativity and uninhibited curiosity through the addition of digital resources and technology.” (Hare, T.).

Disadvantages of Integrating Technology

There has been some hesitation from the art community for a number of reasons on using technology in a art classroom. For one funding for the arts has been a back an forth struggle for many years. The funding for arts technology is no different than any funding for the arts, “for example, production of graphics is a popular art activity, but the cost of expensive ink for printers and specialized paper supplies,” can be a problem for any art budget (Roblyer & Doering, 2013). Verbal communication and critique of their own work and others work is an important part of an art classroom. Technology can be too much “screen time” and discourage face to face contact, some educators believe. Students “need to be able to effectively express themselves and connect with others.” (Lederer, K.).

Specific Activities, Programs, Etc.

Using the internet, students can access online galleries and exhibitions to see current work and explore new up and coming artists. This constant stream of inspiration will be  great tool for my art classroom. Having access to software like Photoshop or other editing software for photography would aid students to enhance and edit their work. (Roblyer & Doering, 2013). I also have already used the online website Pinterest to find ideas for future lesson plans and also for inspiration in general for art projects. These are just a few of the many ways you can integrate technology activities in a classroom.

Hare, T. (n.d.). What is the Perfect Balance of Technology in the Art Room? Retrieved April 10, 2015, from

Lederer, K. (n.d.). Pros and Cons of Social Media in the Classroom -- Campus Technology. Retrieved April 10, 2015, from

Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lessons & Instructional Materials | The Elements of Art

Lessons & Instructional Materials | The Elements of Art

The above flip chart seems to be a good example of how I would use a flip chart in an art classroom. It is a presentation software much like power point, or a graphic tool that would, "allow manipulation of images to illustrate documents and web pages." (Roblyer and Doering, 2013). It is a very nice visual tool and has a good amount of images that demonstrate the art elements. I think this visual approach to an art lesson would be the right visual aid. I think I would use this software in particular for review purposes after I have taught a lesson. Having the students flip through the flip book after a lesson would further implement the technique or topic into their heads. Also having the students have access to review materials like this would be a way technology use based on problem solving. If they have questions about techniques or things we have learned they can solve their own questions by reviewing the material, like the material in a flip-chart. I have to admit though that I think there are better programs I would use instead of flip charts, as I am not very familiar with the software. 

Using technology and using in an effective thoughtful way takes time and preparation before using it with your students. For me as an art teacher I would be focusing on its visual assistance it could lend to my lessons. "Teachers say technology's visual and interactive qualities can direct students’ attention toward learning tasks," (Roblyer and Doering, 2013). I think using the technology hardware and software out there for its visual and interactive purposes makes the most sense for my future classroom. We also can’t forget though that no matter how much we have up to date hardware and software without teachers who know how to use the software it becomes not effective. "Successful technology programs hinge on well trained, motivated teachers. (Roblyer and Doering, 2013). I for one have many programs and software I can be learning to make me a more effective teacher in the classroom. I do think with the amount of software support tools out there it makes it a lot easier for teachers to be successful. All of the material generators, data collection and analysis tools, graphic tools, planning and organizing tools, research and reference tools, and content-area tools there are a great many options for teachers to enhance their lessons and make technology a regular thing in the classroom.

Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

M3: Evaluating websites, search engines, and the internet

Search Engines
               I would imagine in this day in age you would be hard pressed to find a child who hasn’t “googled” something to find an answer to their question. It’s our natural reaction these days to turn to the internet when we need a question answered or when we need to find information on a topic. We search the internet through “search engines” like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Dog Pile, etc. (p.219). There are two types of search engines, subject index search engines, where the site provides a list of topics you can click on or key word searches, where the engine uses keywords you type in and lists websites who’s URLs contain that word or phrase you are searching (p.219). Students learning to use these search engines in a specific efficient way is extremely helpful in the classroom. Research for project, like searching for a specific work of art or artist in my future classroom, could be made very easy by utilizing search engines online.

Website Evaluation Video
               I like the simplicity this video shows on how to decide on a website’s relevance. Checking for the five W’s seems like a simple technique that all age groups could follow to determine if a website seems like a credible source of information. I also like the video’s point to check for dead links. I think it’s important for a websites links to be active to make navigating there site so much easier. As well as finding a website that is visually appealing and easy to navigate, which according to Roblyer and Doering is two of the criteria for evaluating websites (pg. 255).

Favorite Web Site #1
      has become an extremely useful website for me and I think will continue to be useful to me in my future career as a teacher. Pinterest has other teachers lessons, ideas, resources, and is essentially a constant stream of inspiration. I find Pinterest to follow almost all of the criteria set out by Roblyer and Doering on evaluating a good website (pg 255). It has good structure and organization, as your inspiration can be placed on “boards” as specific or broad a topic as you like. The organization options of Pinterest are one of the things I love most about this website. I will definitely be using Pinterest in my future classroom for inspiration of lessons and organization of inspiration in general.

Favorite Web Site #2
               I found this Teach Art Wiki to be a really cool space for collaboration between those in the art education field.  I like that they give clear instruction on how to best contribute to the wiki page adding to its good structure and organization. This is one of the criteria Roblyer and Doering layout in chapter 8 for evaluating web pages and website design (pg. 255). Collaborations like this on wiki seem like the best way to me to utilize the site.

Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. 6th ed.
Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Using Multimedia and Hypermedia Tools

Commercial Hypermedia Product: Reference Materials

There are quite a few reference materials available to all teachers, and more specifically art teachers. Reference materials are a type of “Hypermedia.” Hypermedia according to Roblyer and Doering (2013) means it is linked or interactive media. It essentially means that student or teachers can, “quickly access items of information whose meaning were connected but that were stored in different places.” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 pg. 173).  Many of theses reference materials are accompanied by search engines, simulations, animations, videos and or internet links which provide even more references to the related subject (pg 176).

 The modern Museum of Art, or The Moma, has a learning section of their website ( which is an endless resource for art teachers and students. You can search artwork by theme or artist, and within those they have questions and activities you can do around that theme or artist. A teacher could use their database to create lesson plans, while students could use it to learn about art history or to find inspiration for an upcoming project. The website will also give you related links, topics, and catalogs from past related exhibits at the museum.  To have all that information at the click of ones mouse is extremely helpful and valuable. It is like Roblyer and Doering says, “the tremendous access to hypertext and hypermedia tools opens up a multitude of creative avenues for both students and teacher,” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 pg. 176).

Multimedia Authoring Tool:  Video Portfolios

One of the Multimedia authoring tools discussed in chapter 6 by Roblyer and Doering is Audio and Video Production and Editing Systems. I would use this authoring system to create Video Portfolios of my student’s works.  “Video systems have assumed a central role in portfolio development,” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 pg. 191).  Using video production software to make these portfolios would make them easy to share since they would be digital, as well easily edited. While video editing can be time consuming for novices, and people wanting to create high-quality videos there are more an more way to create these videos with the technology we have these days, cell phones, i-pads, digital camera, etc. (pg. 188).  I could also use this software to create video portfolios of artists works that relate to a subject we are currently learning. There are a great deal of possibilities and uses for the Audio and Video Production and Editing Systems in my art classroom. Below is a video of an artist’s portfolio which is a great example of what I could do with my students work, The video is simple and clean but very effective in showing the artist’s work.

References Used:
Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. 6th ed.
Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Austin Hargrave's Photography Portfolio. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from

LEARN. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Exploring the Uses of the 3 Basic Softwares in a Classroom

There are many tools at a teacher’s disposal to be used to enhance their teaching. In this day and age technology has opened up a whole new realm of tools for teachers to use. The basic software tool suite, as discussed in chapter 4 of Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching by Doering and Roblyer, has become for teacher, “a indispensable part of their daily work” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 p. 112).  With these programs being so widely used it’s important as educators we learn to use these software both properly and effectively.

Word processing Software
Word processing offers versatility and flexibility with no particular instructional approach, which is why is has become, “The most commonly used software in education” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 p. 116). Word processing software saves time by producing documents quickly and making them easy to modify (p. 116). This software would be ideal to use to create documents you might reuse every year, because they would be easily modified every year to fit your new needs. It allows students to write more, and gives them he opportunity to revise their work while they write (p. 119). We  as educators can use word processing for handouts, creating tests, newsletters, or many other documents.

Spreadsheet Software
Spreadsheet software are programs, “designed to organize and manipulate numerical data” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 p. 122). There are many practical uses for educators to use this software for grading, budgets or other chart like documents. This software keeps data organized and easily manipulated.  It is also the perfect software for “What if” scenarios, like how a budget could be spent or what a students grade outcome could be (p. 126). Allowing students to view their grades can encourage them to take responsibility for setting goals and achieving them (p.126). In my opinion this software is the least student friendly of the three, but it hold lots of benefits for teacher use.

Presentation Software
Presentation software is the most visual of the three softwares and is used to, “support speaker,” not replace them (Doering & Robyler, 2013 p. 128). The software allows time for teachers to think through how they want particular lessons presented. This is also an extremely useful tool for students to collaborate on projects. This tool shouldn’t be used as an entire lesion, it is used to improve a lesion discussion not replace it.

Classroom Use
I can definitely see uses for all three of the basic softwares in my art classroom. I will have specific uses for presentation software. I can create presentations for each project where I can show all together the technique of the project, an artist that relates to that technique, and demonstrate how the assignment could be carried out. It would also be a good tool for students to present brainstorming or research before starting an art project. Below is a video from The Virtual Instructor's youtube page which is a good example of how you could condense a lesson into a presentation video.

References Used: 

Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. 6th ed.
Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Positive and Negative Space. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2015, from