Thursday, February 26, 2015

M3: Evaluating websites, search engines, and the internet

Search Engines
               I would imagine in this day in age you would be hard pressed to find a child who hasn’t “googled” something to find an answer to their question. It’s our natural reaction these days to turn to the internet when we need a question answered or when we need to find information on a topic. We search the internet through “search engines” like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Dog Pile, etc. (p.219). There are two types of search engines, subject index search engines, where the site provides a list of topics you can click on or key word searches, where the engine uses keywords you type in and lists websites who’s URLs contain that word or phrase you are searching (p.219). Students learning to use these search engines in a specific efficient way is extremely helpful in the classroom. Research for project, like searching for a specific work of art or artist in my future classroom, could be made very easy by utilizing search engines online.

Website Evaluation Video
               I like the simplicity this video shows on how to decide on a website’s relevance. Checking for the five W’s seems like a simple technique that all age groups could follow to determine if a website seems like a credible source of information. I also like the video’s point to check for dead links. I think it’s important for a websites links to be active to make navigating there site so much easier. As well as finding a website that is visually appealing and easy to navigate, which according to Roblyer and Doering is two of the criteria for evaluating websites (pg. 255).

Favorite Web Site #1
      has become an extremely useful website for me and I think will continue to be useful to me in my future career as a teacher. Pinterest has other teachers lessons, ideas, resources, and is essentially a constant stream of inspiration. I find Pinterest to follow almost all of the criteria set out by Roblyer and Doering on evaluating a good website (pg 255). It has good structure and organization, as your inspiration can be placed on “boards” as specific or broad a topic as you like. The organization options of Pinterest are one of the things I love most about this website. I will definitely be using Pinterest in my future classroom for inspiration of lessons and organization of inspiration in general.

Favorite Web Site #2
               I found this Teach Art Wiki to be a really cool space for collaboration between those in the art education field.  I like that they give clear instruction on how to best contribute to the wiki page adding to its good structure and organization. This is one of the criteria Roblyer and Doering layout in chapter 8 for evaluating web pages and website design (pg. 255). Collaborations like this on wiki seem like the best way to me to utilize the site.

Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. 6th ed.
Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Using Multimedia and Hypermedia Tools

Commercial Hypermedia Product: Reference Materials

There are quite a few reference materials available to all teachers, and more specifically art teachers. Reference materials are a type of “Hypermedia.” Hypermedia according to Roblyer and Doering (2013) means it is linked or interactive media. It essentially means that student or teachers can, “quickly access items of information whose meaning were connected but that were stored in different places.” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 pg. 173).  Many of theses reference materials are accompanied by search engines, simulations, animations, videos and or internet links which provide even more references to the related subject (pg 176).

 The modern Museum of Art, or The Moma, has a learning section of their website ( which is an endless resource for art teachers and students. You can search artwork by theme or artist, and within those they have questions and activities you can do around that theme or artist. A teacher could use their database to create lesson plans, while students could use it to learn about art history or to find inspiration for an upcoming project. The website will also give you related links, topics, and catalogs from past related exhibits at the museum.  To have all that information at the click of ones mouse is extremely helpful and valuable. It is like Roblyer and Doering says, “the tremendous access to hypertext and hypermedia tools opens up a multitude of creative avenues for both students and teacher,” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 pg. 176).

Multimedia Authoring Tool:  Video Portfolios

One of the Multimedia authoring tools discussed in chapter 6 by Roblyer and Doering is Audio and Video Production and Editing Systems. I would use this authoring system to create Video Portfolios of my student’s works.  “Video systems have assumed a central role in portfolio development,” (Doering & Roblyer, 2013 pg. 191).  Using video production software to make these portfolios would make them easy to share since they would be digital, as well easily edited. While video editing can be time consuming for novices, and people wanting to create high-quality videos there are more an more way to create these videos with the technology we have these days, cell phones, i-pads, digital camera, etc. (pg. 188).  I could also use this software to create video portfolios of artists works that relate to a subject we are currently learning. There are a great deal of possibilities and uses for the Audio and Video Production and Editing Systems in my art classroom. Below is a video of an artist’s portfolio which is a great example of what I could do with my students work, The video is simple and clean but very effective in showing the artist’s work.

References Used:
Roblyer, M.D., and Aaron H. Doering. Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. 6th ed.
Boston: Pearson. 2013. Print.

Austin Hargrave's Photography Portfolio. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from

LEARN. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from